Dr. Grieco was personally trained by William H. Masters, M.D. at the Masters and Johnson Institute in St. Louis, where sex therapy was pioneered. Dr. Grieco has taught college courses on sexual behavior and on sex therapy/marital therapy at the University of Central Florida (UCF) and Rollins College. With thirty (30) years of experience, Dr. Grieco is both a Licensed Psychologist and a Sex Therapist certified by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.
Sex therapy or sexuality counseling is helpful for the full range of adult sexual concerns, including sexual dysfunctions (erectile disorder, premature ejaculation, lack of orgasm, painful intercourse, low or mismatched sex drives), survivors of sexual trauma, gender issues, fetishes, sex addiction/compulsion, affairs and trust issues, and orientation conflicts or confusion. For some couples, a spouse's private masturbation is confusing or problematic and consultation with an impartial expert would be helpful.
Sex therapy is very much like an other psychotherapy, in that it is a form of talk therapy and does not involve undressing or touching in the office. It is conducted within your value system. Sex therapy can be effective for individuals or couples of all ages, races, religions, and levels of experience. Sex therapy may be done with an individual but is most effective when working with a couple.
Sex therapy is relatively brief, typically lasting eight to twelve sessions. The first session is for assessment of the issues and to obtain medical, psychological, relationship, and sexual histories. By the end of the second session, Dr. Grieco will provide a prognosis and describe the elements of the specific treatment plan that he recommends for you. Common elements include intimate communications, caring behaviors, sexuality education, relation training, cultivating healthier attitudes regarding sexuality, and touching exercises to be carried out in the privacy of you home.
The success of sex therapy is mainly due to its experiential nature. That is, homework suggestions are structured to facilitate client’s nonjudgmental focus on their own tactile (touch) sensations without the distractions of achieving a specific sexual performance.
Of course, sex therapy is not only focused on sex per se, but encompasses verbal communication and attitudinal and educational components.
In our culture, it is widely considered normal to masturbate in private at least occasionally throughout one’s lifespan, married or not. Many married individuals choose not to masturbate in order to focus that sexual interest and energy towards their spouse. Others view masturbation as an acceptable alternative to release sexual energy when the spouse is indisposed.
Please also note that masturbation (self-stimulation) is a highly intimate and potentially creative activity when shared with or without toys. Please see related link by Dr. Greco entitled Fact Sheet: Masturbation, A Tradition of Shame.
Snail-mail gives a good precedent. Do you open each other’s U.S. mail? Emails on a shared computer may be viewed as less private than those on separate computers.
Is it a topic that either of you feels strongly about? If so, there may be underlying issues needing to be addressed, such as interpersonal boundaries, control, insecurity, or need for secrecy.
Sex addiction is still a “pop psychology” term and is not mentioned in our diagnostic manual. Hypersexual Desire Disorder was considered but rejected as a possible new diagnosis to be included in the upcoming revision of our diagnostic manual, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fifth Edition. Nevertheless, many individuals struggle to control some potentially unhealthy patterns of sexual behavior. Some indications of such difficulty include repetitively engaging in sexual fantasies in response to stress or dysphoric moods, repetitively engaging in sexual behaviors with disregard for the physical or emotional harm to self or others, and repetitive but unsuccessful attempts to control such behavior.
The specific problem behavior may involve masturbation, pornography, cyber sex, telephone sex, or other sexual behaviors. A thorough evaluation by a knowledgeable professional can help determine whether therapy would be helpful, as well as guide you towards other resources such as medical consultation or peer-led support groups.
Mindfulness is a relatively new concept in American psychology, but its history is rich. It builds upon the more familiar ideas of meditation and encourages integration into one’s daily life. An essential element of mindfulness is awareness without judgments or attempts to change whatever is being observed. Another element is to fully be in the moment, to be less focused on one’s past or future.
To fully bear witness to one’s experience, perceptions, and feelings allows for a full appreciation of life’s contents. Even unpleasant feelings, such as anxiety or depression, may start to be experienced differently and as less distressing with mindfulness. Mindfulness can be helpful for such conditions as anxiety, depression, and trauma.