Social Investigations

Orlando Social Investigations

"Social Investigations"

Social Investigations

BeginningᅠᅠOctober 1, 2008, Florida Statute changed and now requires all parents with children who are divorcing to develop Social Investigations.ᅠWhen there is a dispute our psychologists are available to evaluate the family and recommend a specific plan.
Divorcing parents or parents with a paternity dispute who cannot amicably and reasonably resolve disputes about timesharing turn to the courts for resolution. A Social Investigations evaluator can be appointed by the courts to assist the judge in understanding each parent’s strengths and weaknesses and the relationship they each have with their child. The evaluator then crafts a recommended Social Investigation to be in the child’s best interest. Relocation, child abuse, alienation, intimate partner violence, mental illness, and substance abuse are some of the unique and difficult issues that can be addressed in this process. Social Investigations are alternative dispute resolution tools and often facilitate negotiations and break impasses.

If you feel that a Social Investigation is appropriate for your family, discuss this option with your family lawyer.

Below is a link to Florida’s statutory criteria for determining a child’s best interest:

For more information on Social Investigations please contact Psychological Affiliates at 407-740-6838 or you may use this form.

Orlando's Psychologists

Our practice is experienced in working with physicians, legal professionals, non-profit organizations, state agencies and inpatient facilities. Our office is handicapped equipped and easily accessible.
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